And trust in Allah for He is the One that heareth and knoweth all things. [8:61]


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3 Penang Pics. Heh heh.
Monday, July 15, 2013
9:29:00 AM . posted by noshidoshi

Husband made a deal with Hyder - if Hyder manages to fast 30 days, we will bring him on a trip end of this year. 
When he didn't fast on the 3rd day, Husband reminded him of the deal. 
Hyder's response - "No Baba we can still go holiday, because you and Mummy still puasa what, so must still go!"  (Kononnya we should still go holiday as a reward to ourselves ah.)
Pandai sekali! 
Honestly I don't really mind though.  I miss going on trips.  I don't even need to go far (actually going far is more of a hassle - I'm not even talking financially coz everyone knows it is a hassle financially, you gotta save up lots of moolah and all that... - I meant it as a hassle coz sitting in a plane with 2 kecoh kids is really not an enjoyable thing to do, haha.  HOWEVER if my husband tells me he wanna bring me to Korea, I really don't mind.  Heh heh)
I have not uploaded the Penang trip pics, I haven't found time to do that, so here's some.  Or rather, here's 3.  Hah.
At the lift lobby.  Thought it was a nice picture except that the kids aren't smiling and my hands look like they don't belong to me hahaha.
Family pic.  I've stated before on Instagram that it's SOOO hard to get a nice family picture - here's a good example, haha. 

This was at the 2nd floor lift lobby - we upgraded our room and therefore had to change floors. 
Apasal gambar semua kat lift lobby eh, that's because we didn't really venture out of our hotel that much.  Coz, seriously, Hard Rock Hotel Penang was soooo much fun (and Penang itself is quite boring, haha)
Hoh well.  We might be going to KL end of this year to support my sister Haliza in her bowling tournaments again .. I'm trying to psycho the Husband to go an additional place, I haven't thought where yet, but hopefully menjadi Insha Allah! 
I should really buy a house in KL hahahaha.  I already told the Husband after we get CPF money let's move to KL and stay there til we die.  But he's like alah kesian anak-anak kita kat SG, and I'm like noooo by then they will be adults already what! 

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