And trust in Allah for He is the One that heareth and knoweth all things. [8:61]


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Eid Mubarak!
Sunday, August 11, 2013
12:46:00 AM . posted by noshidoshi

A bit belated, but better late than never.  Selamat Hari Raya to all my Muslim brothers and sisters, and maaf zahir batin! 

It's time for the garbled mintak-maaf speech (Selamat Hari Raya, maaf zahir batin, halalkan kalau terkasar bahasa, tersinggung perasaan, maafkan, makan minum....errr...) the awkward salam rejections (to people who aren't muhrim), the giving out green packets, finding colour-coordinated outfits for the whole family, and basically mengeratkan silaturrahim! 

I wanted to lose lots of weight in time for hari raya so that no one would ask me if I'm pregnant...

... but I didn't manage to do so.  Hahahaha.  But heyyyy no one asked me that question - I think everyone finally accepted that I'm just fat and happy, haha. 

My parents weren't in SG during the first 2 days of Eid.  Alhamdulillah they went for umrah akhir Ramadhan, so this is my first time everrrrr cooking a full meal for Hari Raya, and hooooh boyyyy was I stressed or what!! 

Alhamdulillah I managed to cook lodeh (instant), rendang daging (instant) and ayam sambal (not instant, and taste oh so good!)  Husband cooked ketupat the old fashioned way, with arang and all, based on my father's instructions, and Alhamdulillah menjadi jugak.  In the midst of all this ,we also painted that green wall to white, and changed curtains and sofa covers.  Husband had taken 3 days leave from work and as we all know, I'm now a housewife, so that's why macam rajin sikit. 

It was tiring like mad though.  We had about 6 hours of sleep total, in 3 days... so yeah.  I celebrated hari raya with eyebags, not handbag, HA. HA.

Sooooo ok lah.  Selamat Hari Raya again, may all our ibadah in Ramadhan be accepted by Allah swt, and may we meet the next one Insha Allah. 

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